The physiotherapy practice is located in the beautiful Hotel Rössli Gourmet & Spa on the 1st floor. We use the adjoining fitness studio with modern Technogym equipment for physiotherapy. You can also purchase a private fitness subscription through the hotel.
Yours truly, Birgit Müller
The function of the human musculoskeletal system depends on the interaction of all physiological and psychological factors. Therefore, the basis of this physical therapeutic practice is the clinical reasoning and the holistic view of the individual as well as the interdisciplinarity.
The therapy refers to following indications: Surgery, orthopaedics, sports medicine, neurology, internal medicine, lymphology (especially lipoedema), traumatology, geriatrics, palliative physiotherapy, domiciliary treatment.
Interferential current therapy
The interference principle introduced into electrotherapy by Nemec made possible for the first time a biologically adequate application of the universal natural force of electricity, because the electrical stimulus is no longer applied to the patient from the outside in a way that is alien to nature and the body, but arises analogously to the mode of origin of all biogenic electrical stimuli inside the body.
Indications among others:
Disorders of the musculoskeletal system:
joint diseases, disc lesions, cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine syndromes, Schuler arm syndromes
Sports injuries:
Strains, muscle pain, sprains, bruises, contusions, tennis elbow, Sudeck's disease, arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis.
Neuralgic diseases:
Neuralgia, neuritis, shingles, neurodermatitis, oedema, constipation, rheumatic diseases, consequences of strokes.
Circulatory disorders:
arterial and venous Activation of metabolism / tissue metabolism, local edema
Dipl. Physiotherapist FH
SRK recognition
Appointments by arrangement under
+41 (0) 77 216 12 17
Physiotherapy is usually performed on doctor’s orders. Here the therapy is taken over completely by the basic plan of the health insurance or accident insurance. This also applies to the MTT.
Treatments without a doctor’s prescription can usually be billed via supplementary insurance. These could ask you beforehand for reimbursement. Otherwise, the costs can be taken over. (Self-payer) Please contact us for information about our rates and tariffs.
Agreed treatment appointments are binding. If you are unable to attend, the appointment must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance.